Friday, April 17, 2009

Yesterday, I was rich in irritation! Which I know isn't a good thing, but I'm only human.

I am also rich in junk! Which is why I was rich in irritation. We moved our full 10'x20' storage unit into our 1200 square foot house and all 5 children into the smaller bedroom. I asked my husband if saving money was more important than saving my sanity. The money won.

We also have differing money management styles. He believes in reducing expenses to create wealth, PERIOD. I believe that it takes money to make money. Both of these styles together could create some serious wealth. However, compromise, consistency, and communication are needed for balance. We've been married for 15 years and still haven't gotten our horses pulling in the same direction! I rant because I can.

Anyway, back to the junk. I'm tired of it. It's in the way. It keeps growing everyday. Things are getting broken. Things are getting lost--we still haven't found the Nintendo DS or my sons Boy Scout shirt. Collectors items are losing their value. The kids are having a blast, though. "Look everyone! We can climb Mount Everest in our living room!" Sanity? I don't believe I'm familiar with that word. What was it again?

So, in the interest of reclaiming some of my life, I intend to spend all day today going through junk. I shall be merciless. I have no fear! Of course, I won't be able to move the next day because my back rebels at heavy lifting, while the kids make twice as much of a mess as the area I just cleaned, but it will be worth it, right? RIGHT! Of course, right! Cause it's a nice plan, a good match, true? True! If I were a wealthy (wo) man! Forgive me as I slip into musicals. Fiddler on the Roof.

Wish me luck!

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