Monday, April 27, 2009

I added some more things to my sidebar. I joined which includes I also signed up with I'm not sure where I'm going with all of these. All I know is that I want traffic, traffic, traffic! But, traffic to where? It helps to keep in mind where you want the traffic to go. It's so easy to get caught up in the endless loop of One Time Offers and Affiliate programs that sometimes you forget that you just wanted more traffic to your websites.

The purpose of this blog is to gather all my random acts of joinage into one organized, functional, cohesive whole. So, please bear with me as my randomness becomes more focused.

In the meantime, the website that I want all the traffic for is this one. Go there, check it out, sign up (it's free!), and I promise you that there won't be any OTOs or stuff like that.


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