Saturday, April 25, 2009

The New Addition!!!

Before I get to my newest post, I need to Update the last one. The views for that video are over 44 million and show no signs of stopping. I still get goosebumps every time I watch it!

Well, it certainly has been a busy week. Full of meetings and Doctors appointments for children and adults. It's all been worth it though, because I have an announcement to make.

There's a new addition to the family!!! So small, so cute, so full of information! Yes, dear readers, I bought a Net Book. Now I won't have to fight the children to be able to blog as I did in my first post on Monday, April 13th. Garfields least favorite day, Monday the 13th. So now I can blog to my hearts content (accent on the second syllable) whenever I am inspired, and not have to wait for the kids to be done. Yea me!

Now I'll be able to get back on track and bring you new and interesting content (accent on the first syllable) more often. The joys of the English language.

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