Wednesday, April 15, 2009

In my first post, I confessed to be a "recovering" biz-opp junkie. I say recovering because I have finally found everything I've always been looking for my whole life. I am so humbled to be a part of this fantastic opportunity. I am just in awe! If you want to know more now, click here, otherwise, keep reading.

This is a Debt-free company. Bonuses given every Friday. They've never missed a payment in four years.

This is a Five-Star opportunity.

1. The Product is the most fantastic thing ever, and they are constantly looking to add new products responsibly, because quality is everything. It's a science-based company and will accept only the best. You get what you pay for and your health is worth it!
2. The Management has over 17 years experience in the Direct Selling industry and has taken two companies (including this one!) to over a Billion dollars in sales each. In fact, the founder wants to take this company to over $5 Billion in the next 5 years. Start thinking about how much of that is yours!
3. The Compensation plan is mind-blowing. It's a non-flushing binary so the points you earn, you get to keep! It's so simple that I made money my first week. The bonuses they pay as you get to the higher levels are amazing. I can't even begin to tell you!
4. The Timing is perfect. The Baby Boomers have the money and influence to determine trends, and now they've started to think about their health. They're tired of swallowing handfuls of pills to stay healthy and are looking for an easier way. It's been said that the U.S. economy will produce 10 million new Millionaires in the next 10 years, and the industries that will do it is Direct Selling and the Functional Beverage industry. Now is the time.
5. The Cause is humbling. The Crown Jewel of our synergistic and patented blend grows in the rain forests of Brazil. The slums, or Favalas of Brazil, account for 25% of the population. Drugs and prostitution are often the only ways to survive. This company has created foundations devoted to getting the children and families off the streets and teaching them skills to be able to support themselves with dignity. They feed thousands every night and have an orphanage that houses hundreds and they are just beginning. You can be a part of it.

The company is only four years old and is breaking records. This is STILL a ground-floor opportunity. There is no recession in this company! In fact this company knows that times are hard, so they have waived the enrollment fee.

Now it's FREE ENROLLMENT (a $39 value) !

Have fun sharing with friends and earn amazing bonuses!
Enjoy the freedom of financial stability!
Advance at your own pace. Whether it be slow or fast,fast,fast its up to you. The only way you can fail at this is to quit. Those who are persistent and consistent will make all their dreams come true!

Sign up today (it's FREE!), order a case, enjoy the benefits, tell your friends, make money. It's that easy. Do it RIGHT NOW or you'll kick yourself later!

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