Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Quick Note...

I couldn't get anything done on the Internet today.  The browser wasn't working on my brand new net book and the memory is too full on my older computer.  I was so ticked that nothing was working, that I spent all day trying to fix both machines and consequently got nothing done around the house either!  This would be one of those frustratingly wasted days.  Aarrgh!

Oh well.  Life goes on.

In my attempts to fix the browser problems on my net book, I downloaded Google Chrome.  I really love a lot of Googles products, so I'll try this for a while.  Besides, who knows when Explorer will act up again?!  It's always good to have a backup plan.

So, if I miss a day or two, my equipment is not cooperating and I shall be attempting percussive maintenance (hit head here).


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