Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today (Wednesday) I declared a computer-free day.  I dedicated the day to cleaning and doing laundry.  I got a lot done, but now I'm surrounded by piles of clean, folded clothes and I want to go to bed!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Quick Note...

I couldn't get anything done on the Internet today.  The browser wasn't working on my brand new net book and the memory is too full on my older computer.  I was so ticked that nothing was working, that I spent all day trying to fix both machines and consequently got nothing done around the house either!  This would be one of those frustratingly wasted days.  Aarrgh!

Oh well.  Life goes on.

In my attempts to fix the browser problems on my net book, I downloaded Google Chrome.  I really love a lot of Googles products, so I'll try this for a while.  Besides, who knows when Explorer will act up again?!  It's always good to have a backup plan.

So, if I miss a day or two, my equipment is not cooperating and I shall be attempting percussive maintenance (hit head here).


Monday, April 27, 2009

I added some more things to my sidebar. I joined which includes I also signed up with I'm not sure where I'm going with all of these. All I know is that I want traffic, traffic, traffic! But, traffic to where? It helps to keep in mind where you want the traffic to go. It's so easy to get caught up in the endless loop of One Time Offers and Affiliate programs that sometimes you forget that you just wanted more traffic to your websites.

The purpose of this blog is to gather all my random acts of joinage into one organized, functional, cohesive whole. So, please bear with me as my randomness becomes more focused.

In the meantime, the website that I want all the traffic for is this one. Go there, check it out, sign up (it's free!), and I promise you that there won't be any OTOs or stuff like that.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cure "Someday" Symdrome

How to Cure Someday Syndrome

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Someday Syndrome: not doing what you want to because you don’t know what it is, probably because you’re procrastinating about it, or because you have too much stuff getting in your way.
Everyone suffers from Someday Syndrome at some point in their lives, often catching it repeatedly. You probably have something similar going on in your life – a project, a task, a goal – that you just haven’t got around to doing yet. Right? It would be easy to quote Nike and say: Just Do It, but if it were that simple Someday Syndrome wouldn’t exist. Here are some key ways to cure Someday Syndrome so that you don’t need to suffer through a cure.


  1. Be you. This is the happiness project’s number one happiness commandment. Maybe you’re not doing something because, in reality, it doesn’t fit with who you are. If so, dump the idea and the expectations that likely came along with it, and go find something that suits you better.
  2. Clear out the junk. If you don’t know what would suit you better, it could be because your mind and emotions are all cluttered up. If your mind’s in chaos, how could you possibly make a clear decision on getting rid of your somedays? The clutter includes the negative thoughts (like thinking that you would never be able to run more than 30 minutes without dying), or negative attitudes (saying to yourself "I'm too lazy to run").

  3. Know what you want. And why you want it. If you are going to cure Someday Syndrome, you’ll need to know details about that desire and the reasons behind it. And if you don’t know what that is, the blogosphere is full of blogs ready to help you figure out your dreams.
  4. Make a grand plan. “Grand” because this is the big picture plan. Don’t get carried away. Planning can feel like action, but really it’s no different than talking. Until you actually do something, you’re still procrastinating. Starting is more important than getting into detailed plans.
  5. Plan to be surprised. Once your plan is in action, it might not turn out the way you expected, but this isn't always a bad thing, if you plan for it.
  6. Take one step at a time. The only details you need to choose at this point is first steps. Don't get overwhelmed by details. Focus on just the next two or three things that you're going to do.
  7. Ignore the rest. That’s right. Ignore everything else in the goal except what you’re working on. We often use comparisons of where we are now to where we want to be, as a form of procrastination. While checking in is always a good thing, we can do it when each small task is completed, and not in the middle of a task. When you're in the middle of your current activity, don’t think about what’s coming up next week. Why would you want to freak yourself out?
  8. Get help. Daniel Gilbert, in his book Stumbling on Happiness, says that the best route to figuring out if our goals will actually make us happy is to talk to others who have done it. Also try to be lazy when you can be, so if someone else has done the work, then there’s no need to waste your time reinventing the wheel, now, is there?
  9. Don’t compare. Be careful when you get help, because the dream-shattering tendency to compare, lurks nearby.
  10. Be uncomfortable. Judith Sills, in her book The Comfort Trap, or What If You’re Riding a Dead Horse? talks about how we might be terribly unhappy, but we’re comfortable so we don’t do anything about the unhappiness. Happiness is a risk, but the current situation, even if it’s painful, is safe. Which would you prefer? Comfortably in pain and unhappy or uncomfortably blissful?
  11. Celebrate the process as well as the end. Acknowledge your progress. Use your FaceBook, blogs, other means to write about the progress. Tell others. And in turn, this sharing inspires others and helps them move past their own Somedays and toward achieving their goals.
  12. Don’t stop at the easy point. Wait a second. It's important to push yourself just a little bit further than you think you can go. Commit beyond your initial goals. While you’re celebrating and taking it one step at a time, come up with one unexpected action you can take that’ll add energy, excitement and a bit of fear to your goal. That bit of fear will probably be the best motivator you’ve ever found. So don't give up, give in, or give out.


  • Another way to cure the Someday Syndrome is to breathe. That's right - breathe, especially when you have what feels like nothing left to give or share. No good horizons to look for or sunsets to share, no more thoughts or cares. Just breathe - it's God's greatest gift.
  • You can provide yourself with an extra measure of motivation by using the Best Me Technque of self-hypnosis to pre-experience the rewards of a long-term goal, thereby reducing or eliminating the need for "will power."

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Cure Someday Syndrome. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The New Addition!!!

Before I get to my newest post, I need to Update the last one. The views for that video are over 44 million and show no signs of stopping. I still get goosebumps every time I watch it!

Well, it certainly has been a busy week. Full of meetings and Doctors appointments for children and adults. It's all been worth it though, because I have an announcement to make.

There's a new addition to the family!!! So small, so cute, so full of information! Yes, dear readers, I bought a Net Book. Now I won't have to fight the children to be able to blog as I did in my first post on Monday, April 13th. Garfields least favorite day, Monday the 13th. So now I can blog to my hearts content (accent on the second syllable) whenever I am inspired, and not have to wait for the kids to be done. Yea me!

Now I'll be able to get back on track and bring you new and interesting content (accent on the first syllable) more often. The joys of the English language.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Never Judge a Book by its Cover

That phrase is never more true than in this video:

I'm sure everyone has seen it by now. After all, it only has over 30 million views. It brings tears to my eyes every time I see it.

In a world that thinks it knows everything about you just by looking at you, this video reminds us that there are always exceptions to the stereotypes and that first impressions can be dead wrong.

For those of you who care too much about what other people think of you, this video shows us that true talent changes peoples opinions instantly. If you have confidence in yourself and your abilities, don't let anything stop you. Keep moving forward, keep developing your talents and one day your persistence will pay off. Thorough preparation makes its own luck.

Let's Hear it for the Short and Sweet!

I joined Twitter today! I'm so excited (and I just can't hide it)! I think I'm going to like Twittering! After all, being a mother of 5, a maid, a dishwasher, a cook, a babysitter, a wife, a daughter, a debtor, and a business owner, I hardly have the time to expound. Though I can be verbose at times. Yes, I am having fun with hyperlinks. Thank you for asking!

Twitter is short and to the point. I have to fight for computer time anyway, so short is good.

In the spirit of Twitter, my husband just got home, so I'm being kicked off the computer. TTYL!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Well, I got a small amount of work done. Nothing even in the same universe as what I wanted to accomplish, but that's okay. All it took was one missing armored scale to bring down the terrible dragon, Smaug. That, and an excellent marksman.

My point is, there's an opening. It's a beginning. If I do a little every day--just as the marksman had to practice every day--soon I'll be able to bring down my own terrible dragon of Clutter. Then the village and everyone in it will be able to prosper and live in peace forever. Amen.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Yesterday, I was rich in irritation! Which I know isn't a good thing, but I'm only human.

I am also rich in junk! Which is why I was rich in irritation. We moved our full 10'x20' storage unit into our 1200 square foot house and all 5 children into the smaller bedroom. I asked my husband if saving money was more important than saving my sanity. The money won.

We also have differing money management styles. He believes in reducing expenses to create wealth, PERIOD. I believe that it takes money to make money. Both of these styles together could create some serious wealth. However, compromise, consistency, and communication are needed for balance. We've been married for 15 years and still haven't gotten our horses pulling in the same direction! I rant because I can.

Anyway, back to the junk. I'm tired of it. It's in the way. It keeps growing everyday. Things are getting broken. Things are getting lost--we still haven't found the Nintendo DS or my sons Boy Scout shirt. Collectors items are losing their value. The kids are having a blast, though. "Look everyone! We can climb Mount Everest in our living room!" Sanity? I don't believe I'm familiar with that word. What was it again?

So, in the interest of reclaiming some of my life, I intend to spend all day today going through junk. I shall be merciless. I have no fear! Of course, I won't be able to move the next day because my back rebels at heavy lifting, while the kids make twice as much of a mess as the area I just cleaned, but it will be worth it, right? RIGHT! Of course, right! Cause it's a nice plan, a good match, true? True! If I were a wealthy (wo) man! Forgive me as I slip into musicals. Fiddler on the Roof.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Joys of WikiHow

How to Create an Abundance Mentality

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Much of society seems to be built on a scarcity mentality. It's a mentality that tells people that there is a lack in life, that opportunities are few and far between. This is, of course, useful for society because if people feel that there is a lack, then you can get them to buy stuff; thus, the economy and society can continue to live and prosper by reinforcing a scarcity mentality in people.The scarcity mentality can be quite painful for the individual and create a lot of unnecessary fear, anxiety and desperation. An abundance mentality, on the other hand, tells you that there are always new chances and opportunities. This relieves much of the pressure you may feel if you have a scarcity mentality that makes you think that you've only got one shot right now. Or it makes you feel like an utter failure just because you stumbled and things didn’t work out. An abundance mentality can help you improve your performance since with it, you’re creating a lot less pressure and anxieties within your own mind.Here are a few tips to create and reinforce your own abundance mentality.


  1. Look for the symptoms of a scarcity mentality. If you have a scarcity mentality then you will probably take things too seriously. You may think to yourself: “If I fail, the sky will fall”. It won’t, though, and you know that and need to remind yourself. But you think it will, you become overly nervous and POOF! you have invited that failure because your negativity becomes an obstacle on your path to success. If it’s a game, then you may fumble with the ball. If it’s an exam, then you may not have been able to sleep and will perform poorly on the test. If it’s a date, you may come over as too needy and nervous and not as your usual, more relaxed self. Regain your empowerment by remembering all the opportunities you have been afforded and know that it is all a flow that will always continue.
  2. Focus on the abundance, not on the lack. What you focus on, you will see in your world. Since you can’t take in everything around you, your reticular activation system – your focus system in the mind – will bring into focus what you focus your thoughts on.This will allow you to see the abundance in your world that you may be missing right now. If you, for instance, have a lack of money, then don’t focus on your lack. Focus and think about the abundance of possibilities in the world to make money. Soon ideas and opportunities to make that happen will start to “pop up” in your world. It’s almost a bit freaky how things that hold solutions for you – perhaps books or acquaintances – that have been there in the background for quite a while just one day suddenly jump out at you.
  3. Appreciate. One quick way to revert from the pretty normal habit of thinking about what you don’t have is simply to appreciate. Appreciate your food, life, your roof, your friends and family and so on. This can not only turn a sour mood into a more positive one within minutes, but it can also help you notice opportunities you have missed or forgotten about. And it'll create a more open vibe within you, a vibe that makes it easier to focus on the abundance. So, make a habit of appreciating something in your life for a few minutes each day.
  4. Get an abundance vibe from other people. Since you get a scarcity mentality from, say, advertising and media, then you can change your input to change your mentality. Cut down on watching the news. Record your favourite shows and skip the commercials. Or just cut down on your TV and media consumption, period. Replace the scarcity vibe you get from that input. How do you do that? “Hang out” with people that have an abundance mentality. Read, listen to and watch personal development material. Besides reading your favourite personal development blogs, read success stories in books and magazines. Have a positive attitude to the abundance and success of your friends, family and co-workers. Hang out with people in real life who have more of an abundance mentality and less of a scarcity mentality. Be selective with what you put into your mind. Create your own environment of abundance.
  5. Share the wealth. One very good way to acknowledge how much you have is to share it. Do you feel like you're not making enough money? Give some away. Not enough love? Give some away. Not enough validation, appreciation, recognition? Give it all away. It's hard for something to feel scarce when you're giving it away.
  6. Create win-win situations. People with a scarcity mentality tend to see every relationship is win-lose, as in: "It's either you or me, buddy, and I want it to be me." People with an abundance mentality, on the other hand, try to create mutually beneficial relationships in which both parties can win.[1] Instead of winning an argument, for example, try to reach a consensus that you both can be happy with. Instead of competing, collaborate.
  7. Remind yourself. It’s very easy to slip back into your old thought patterns. You just forget about what you should be thinking about. A useful tool to keep yourself from slipping is to use external reminders. You can, for example, use written notes posted at places you can’t avoid seeing several times each day – your workspace, fridge and mirrors – or put a bracelet on your wrist. Seeing words or quotes that remind you of your new abundance mentality can help your mind snap back into the right headspace once again.


  • When the feeling of scarcity is strong, remember previous times when you had an abundance. Realize that you can recreate similar circumstances once again.
  • A real-world example of the abundance mentality is the "copyleft" movement, which focuses on loosening the restrictions of traditional copyrights.[2] More and more people are licensing their work with GFDL, Creative Commons, or even releasing it into the public domain. For example, Leo Babauta, founder of the popular Zen Habits blog, decided to release all of his content into the public domain.[3] Many programmers share software and programs freely in the spirit of open source.[4]
  • Learn to face the reality of living within your means. Many people have the habit of copying and envying others with greater means. Doing so can ruin your day or your life. It is therefore important to live within your resources while hoping that something better will come along your way. You will be free from stress and undue competition without any satisfaction.
  • Look for personal products in cabinets you have forgotten about...hotel toiletries can last for several showers, old sunscreen can be used for shaving in the shower, baby oil to remove makeup..invert bottles to get the most product from them!


  • Don't get so carried away with an abundance mentality that you become a people pleaser who lets people take advantage of your generosity. Remember to surround yourself with people who also have an abundance mentality, who give as much as they take, or else "parasites" will drain you and eventually leave you with a scarcity mentality.
  • Be sure also to not reach a point where you find youself coasting through life with no goal or purpose for yourself. Remember to "seize the day".

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

  1." rel="nofollow">
  2." rel="nofollow">
  3." rel="nofollow">
  4." rel="nofollow">

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Create an Abundance Mentality. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

In my first post, I confessed to be a "recovering" biz-opp junkie. I say recovering because I have finally found everything I've always been looking for my whole life. I am so humbled to be a part of this fantastic opportunity. I am just in awe! If you want to know more now, click here, otherwise, keep reading.

This is a Debt-free company. Bonuses given every Friday. They've never missed a payment in four years.

This is a Five-Star opportunity.

1. The Product is the most fantastic thing ever, and they are constantly looking to add new products responsibly, because quality is everything. It's a science-based company and will accept only the best. You get what you pay for and your health is worth it!
2. The Management has over 17 years experience in the Direct Selling industry and has taken two companies (including this one!) to over a Billion dollars in sales each. In fact, the founder wants to take this company to over $5 Billion in the next 5 years. Start thinking about how much of that is yours!
3. The Compensation plan is mind-blowing. It's a non-flushing binary so the points you earn, you get to keep! It's so simple that I made money my first week. The bonuses they pay as you get to the higher levels are amazing. I can't even begin to tell you!
4. The Timing is perfect. The Baby Boomers have the money and influence to determine trends, and now they've started to think about their health. They're tired of swallowing handfuls of pills to stay healthy and are looking for an easier way. It's been said that the U.S. economy will produce 10 million new Millionaires in the next 10 years, and the industries that will do it is Direct Selling and the Functional Beverage industry. Now is the time.
5. The Cause is humbling. The Crown Jewel of our synergistic and patented blend grows in the rain forests of Brazil. The slums, or Favalas of Brazil, account for 25% of the population. Drugs and prostitution are often the only ways to survive. This company has created foundations devoted to getting the children and families off the streets and teaching them skills to be able to support themselves with dignity. They feed thousands every night and have an orphanage that houses hundreds and they are just beginning. You can be a part of it.

The company is only four years old and is breaking records. This is STILL a ground-floor opportunity. There is no recession in this company! In fact this company knows that times are hard, so they have waived the enrollment fee.

Now it's FREE ENROLLMENT (a $39 value) !

Have fun sharing with friends and earn amazing bonuses!
Enjoy the freedom of financial stability!
Advance at your own pace. Whether it be slow or fast,fast,fast its up to you. The only way you can fail at this is to quit. Those who are persistent and consistent will make all their dreams come true!

Sign up today (it's FREE!), order a case, enjoy the benefits, tell your friends, make money. It's that easy. Do it RIGHT NOW or you'll kick yourself later!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I added some banners on the side for you to check out. The AdSense kind of went overboard though. I'm not sure if I can reduce the number of ads or not. Oh well! Something new to learn!

My daughters birthday is today. She's turning 14 on the 14th! I remember having a friend that turned 12 on the 12th. That's how I can tell how long I've known her. Hopefully I'll have time to bake my girl a cake. It's gonna be a long night though. It's Tuesday and on Tuesdays we have a bunch of activities to go to.

So far, So good! I've been able to work on this blog for two days in a row! Be grateful for small miracles.


Monday, April 13, 2009

A Place for Everything

My desire for this blog is to be able to put all the things I'm working on in one spot. I am a "recovering" biz-opp junkie. While I have cut down on my entrapments a great deal, I still have the need to put things like traffic exchange banners, website addresses and blogs in a place where they can be found and managed easily.

I don't know how often I'll be able to post because my children tend to snarl like wild beasts if I try to take the computer away. Some days I feel like a lion tamer, some days I don't. As I type, I have a child sitting like a vulture at my side, just waiting for me to get up so he can pounce! It's his turn anyway.